Lady Gaga’s Mechatronic Dresses
Anemone is a dress with integrated bubble-machine factories, developed during my internship at Studio XO for TechHaus division of Haus of Gaga. 3D-printed bubble-machine generators consisting of servos, fluid-pumps, and fans blow large and small bubbles. When they open a bubble-film layered through a soap liquid distributed by a pneumatic system, a fan blows out large or small bubbles depending on the size of the mechanism's aperture. The small ones creating a foam structure around the wearer and the large bubbles flying away.
The dress was unveiled in 2013, during iTunes Festival in London, UK and ARTPOP campaign during Gaga’s artRave campaign in 2014 in Brooklyn, NY . It is the second so-called bubble dress which Lady Gaga has worn, the first one being a nude leotard with plastic transparent globes attached to it.
Cipher was inspired by early 20th German architecture and the Bauhaus movement. It has animated black digital diamond mirrors that can animate any sequence using distributed servo motor. The whole outfit is a three-piece that includes a robotic mirrored bodice, shoe accessories and head wear.
Coverage “Lady Gaga Goes Gaga Over 3D Printing” Forbes | Dezeen