
  • Wicaksono, I., Rubio, A.P, Cichocka, J.M, Advincula, G., Chin, S., Yu, T., Mishra, M., and Paradiso, J., 2024. Living Knitwork Pavilion: Soft Responsive Architectural Space with Functional Textiles and Integrated System. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) 2024.

  • Wicaksono, I., Blanchard, L., Chin, S., Colon, C., and Paradiso, J., 2024. KnitworkVR: Dual-reality Experience through Distributed Sensor-Actuator Networks in the Living Knitwork Pavilion. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.

  • Honnet, C., Yu, C., Wicaksono, I., Cheng, T., Danielescu, A., Zheng, C., Mueller, S., Paradiso, J., and Luo, Y., 2024, October. Democratizing Intelligent Soft Wearables. Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2024.

  • Wicaksono, I., Maheshwari, A., Haddad, D.D., Paradiso, J., and Danielescu, A., 2024. Design and Fabrication of Multifunctional E-Textiles by Upcycling Waste Cotton Fabrics through Carbonization. In Proc. ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 8, 2, Article 45 (June 2024), 31 pages.

  • Wicaksono, I., Shtarbanov, A., Slater, R., Ranade, E., Newman, D., and Paradiso, J., 2023. Design, Development, and Testing of Peristaltic Suit: Active-Dynamic Compression and Physiological Sensing Intra-vehicular Activity Spacesuit for Cardiovascular Deconditioning. In International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) 2023.

  • Ekblaw, A., Cherston, J., Liu, F., Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D.D., Sumini, V. and Paradiso, J.A., 2023. From UbiComp to Universe—Moving Pervasive Computing Research Into Space Applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing 2023. [Best Paper Award]

  • Wicaksono, I., Hwang, P. G., Droubi, S., Wu, F. X., Serio, A. N., Yan, W., and Paradiso, J.A., 2022. 3DKnITS: Three-dimensional Digital Knitting of Intelligent Textile Sensor for Activity Recognition and Biomechanical Monitoring. IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society.

  • Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D.D., and Paradiso, J.A., 2022. Tapis Magique: Machine-knitted Electronic Textile Carpet for Interactive Choreomusical Performance and Immersive Environments. ACM Creativity and Cognition.

  • Wicaksono, I., Tucker, C.I., Sun, T., Guerrero, C.A., Liu, C., Woo, W.M., Pence, E.J. and Dagdeviren, C., 2020. A tailored, electronic textile conformable suit for large-scale spatiotemporal physiological sensing in vivo. Nature Flexible Electronics4(1), pp.1-13.

  • Yan, W., Noel, G., Loke, G., Meiklejohn, E., Khiduyev, T., Marion, J., Rui, G., Lin, J., Cherston, J., Saharasbudhe, A., Wilbert, J., Wicaksono, I., Hoyt, R.W., Missakian, A., Zhu, L., Ma, C., Joannopoulos, J., and Fink, Y., 2022. Single fibre enables acoustic fabrics via nanometre-scale vibrations. Nature,

  • Wicaksono, I., Shtarbanov, A., Slater, R., Ranade, E. and Paradiso, J., 2022. Peristaltic (PS) Suit: Active Bioelectronic Sensing-Compression Spacesuit for Microgravity Adaptation and Cardiovascular Deconditioning. In Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery (ASCEND) 2022 (p. 4208).

  • Wicaksono, I.*, Cherston, J.* and Paradiso, J.A., 2021. Electronic Textile Gaia: Ubiquitous Computational Substrates Across Geometric Scales. IEEE Pervasive Computing. [Theme Article]

  • Payra, S.*, Wicaksono, I.*, Cherston, J., Honnet, C., Sumini, V. and Paradiso, J.A., 2021, March. Feeling Through Spacesuits: Application of Space-Resilient E-Textiles to Enable Haptic Feedback on Pressurized Extravehicular Suits. In 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100) (pp. 1-12). IEEE.

  • Babatain, W., Gumus, A., Wicaksono, I., Buttner, U., El‐atab, N., Rehman, M. U., Qaiser, N., Conchouso, D., and Hussain, M. M., 2020. Expandable Polymer Assisted Wearable Personalized Medicinal Platform. Advanced Materials Technology, 2000411. [Cover Article]

  • Wicaksono, I. and Paradiso, J.A., 2020. KnittedKeyboard: Digital Knitting of Electronic Textiles Musical Controller. In New Interfaces for Musical Expression.

  • Wicaksono, I., Kodama, E., Dementyev, A. and Paradiso, J.A., 2020, April. SensorNets: Towards Reconfigurable Multifunctional Fine-grained Soft and Stretchable Electronic Skins. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-8).

  • Chee, G.*, Cobb, T.*, Richter-Lunn, K.*, Wicaksono, I.* and Freedman, B.R., 2020. Doze: Hydrogel-Based Epidermal Platform for Personalized Scent Diffusion. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. (*equal contribution)

  • Wicaksono, I. and Dagdeviren, C., 2019. Flexible and Stretchable Devices for Human-Machine Interfaces. Handbook of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics. CRC Press.

  • Wicaksono, I., Rozendo, C., Ye, R., Trapp, J., Bove Jr, V.M., Dagdeviren, C. and Ishii, H., 2018, April. PerForm: Deformable Interface for Exploring Sound Through Shapes. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-6).

  • Tasnim, F., Sadraei, A., Datta, B., Khan, M., Choi, K.Y., Sahasrabudhe, A., Gálvez, T.A.V., Wicaksono, I., Rosello, O., Nunez-Lopez, C. and Dagdeviren, C., 2018. Towards personalized medicine: the evolution of imperceptible health-care technologies. foresight. [Outstanding Paper Award]

  • Qaiser, N., Khan, S.M., Chow, K., Cordero, M.D., Wicaksono, I. and Hussain, M.M., 2018. 3D printed robotic assembly enabled reconfigurable display with higher resolution. Advanced Materials Technologies, 3(12), p.1800344.

  • Bahabry, R.R., Kutbee, A.T., Khan, S.M., Sepulveda, A.C., Wicaksono, I., Nour, M., Wehbe, N., Almislem, A.S., Ghoneim, M.T., Torres Sevilla, G.A. and Syed, A., 2018. Corrugation Architecture Enabled Ultraflexible Wafer‐Scale High‐Efficiency Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cell. Advanced Energy Materials8(12), p.1702221. [Cover Article]

  • Gumus, A., Alam, A., Hussain, A.M., Mishra, K., Wicaksono, I., Torres Sevilla, G.A., Shaikh, S.F., Diaz, M., Velling, S., Ghoneim, M.T. and Ahmed, S.M., 2017. Expandable Polymer Enabled Wirelessly Destructible High‐Performance Solid State Electronics. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2(5), p.1600264.

  • Hussain, M.M., Nassar, J.M., Khan, S.M., Saikh, S.F., Sevilla, G.T., Kutbee, A.T., Bahabry, R.R., Babatain, W., Muslem, A.S., Nour, M. and Wicaksono, I., 2017, December. Democratized electronics to enable smart living for all. In 2017 IEEE SENSORS (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

  • Wicaksono, I. and Paradiso, J.A., 2017. Fabrickeyboard: multimodal textile sensate media as an expressive and deformable musical interface. In New Interfaces for Musical Expression (Vol. 17, pp. 348-353).


  • Wicaksono, I., Maheshwari, A., and Danielescu, A., 2024. Circular manufacturing of textile-based sensors. US Patent App. 18/241,397.

  • Paradiso, J.A. and Wicaksono, I., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023. Three-dimensional machine knitting of electronic textile for activity recognition and biomechanical monitoring. U.S. Patent Application 18/311,527.

  • Dagdeviren, C. and Wicaksono, I., 2020. Conformable Garment for Physiological Sensing. U.S. Patent Application 17/032,699.

  • Abdullah, A., Sondos, S., Alsaati, A., Sheikhoon, G., Wicaksono, I. and Hussain, M.M., 2020. Smart lid for drinking bottles. U.S. Patent Application 63/036,085.

  • Hussain, M.M. and Wicaksono, I., 2019. Smart parking management system with decal electronics system. U.S. Patent Application 16/074,194.


Awards and Recognition

  • IEEE Pervasive Computing Best Paper Award, From Ubicomp to Universe, 2024.

  • Architect’s Newspaper Best of Design Award, Living Knitwork Pavilion, Director’s Pick: Temporary Installation, 2024.

  • Architizer A+ Award, Living Knitwork Pavilion, Special Mention: Architecture + Technology, 2024.

  • SXSW Innovation Award, Living Knitwork Pavilion, Finalist: What the Future Category, 2024.

  • Harold Horowitz (1951) Research Fund, 2023.

  • Burning Man Arts, Black Rock City Honoraria: Living Knitwork Pavilion, 2023.

  • Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia, Science and Healthcare, 2022.

  • Harold and Arlene Schnitzer Prize in the Visual Arts, 2022.

  • Innovation by Design Award, Peristaltic Suit, Honorable Mention: Students Category, Fast Company, 2023.

  • Innovation by Design Award, 3DKnITS, Finalist: Students Category, Fast Company, 2022.

  • Innovation by Design Award, 3DKnITS, Honorable Mention: Experimental Category, Fast Company, 2022.

  • Dezeen Design Award, Tapis Magique, Longlist: Installation Category, 2022.

  • Lumen Prize for Art and Technology, Tapis Magique, Shortlist: Global Majority Category, 2023.

  • MIDI Innovation Award, Tapis Magique, Winner: Art Installation Category, 2022.

  • MIDI Innovation Award, KnittedKeyboard, Finalist: Non-Commercial Product/Hardware Category, 2022.

  • Music China User Choice Award, KnittedKeyboard, 2022.

  • SXSW Innovation Award, Tapis Magique, Winner: Student Innovation Category, 2022.

  • SXSW Innovation Award, Tapis Magique, Finalist: Music/Audio Innovation Category, 2022.

  • SXSW Innovation Award, Shohay, Finalist: Wearable Category, 2022.

  • Core77 Design Award, 3DKnITS, Student Runner-up: Interaction Category, 2022.

  • Core77 Design Award, 3DKnITS, Student Runner-up: Sports/Recreation Category, 2022.

  • Tech Briefs Design Contest: Create the Future, The Well-Dressed Spacecraft, Winner: Aerospace and Defense Category, 2022.

  • World Changing Ideas Award, E-TeCS, Fast Company, 2021.

  • Lexus Design Award, KnittedKeyboard, 2021.

  • Innovation by Design Award, Magsense, Fast Company, 2020.

  • Emerald Literati Award, Outstanding Paper, Towards Personalized Medicine 2019.

  • Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation Grant, 2016.

  • Zepler Scholarship in academic excellence by University of Southampton, 2013.

  • Zepler Scholarship in academic excellence by University of Southampton, 2012.

  • Zepler Scholarship in academic excellence by University of Southampton, 2011.

  • Best Invention in Engineering: Low-cost and Reliable Salinity Detector. Indonesian National-Teen Science Camp, 2008.

Media Coverage